(Optional) Visual Code Installation
SERENEDI processes are driven by SCORE Scripts, which are PowerShell Core scripts with SERENEDI-specific command extensions. SERENEDI is distributed with a single SCORE script called ‘Pipeline.ps1’, that both sets up and handles the default integration environment. When clients need to customize this script or create brand new ones, they have the option to use the Visual Code development environment with full support for the SERENEDI extensions.
For Windows-based SERENEDI Installations:
1. Install the latest version of PowerShell Core 7.X
Go to the page https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/ and choose the PowerShell Core installer topic for your operating system. Make sure you are installing Power Shell Core 7.X.
2. Install Visual Code
Go to the page https://code.visualstudio.com/ and follow the instructions to install it on your operating system.
3. Launch Visual Code
4. Install the PowerShell Extension
Click the Extensions icon (circle, far left) and enter “powershell” in the search window (second circle, top left). Click Install.
To activate the SERENEDI extensions, Visual Code must be executed on a licensed SERENEDI server, and you must add these lines to the top of every PowerShell script:
Set-Location C:\serenedi\bin
Import-Module -Name (Resolve-Path 'serenedi.dll')
sapi-InitializeSession -BasePath 'C:\serenedi' -MSSQL ' Data Source=host.docker.internal;Database=serenediCore;User id=sa;Password=strongPass1;'
The first command loads the SERENEDI library, and the second command initializes a new session. The BasePath argument points to the base SERENEDI folder; the MSSQL argument provides the connection string to the serenediCore database. These arguments are required. It is also possible to supply one additional argument, -BizEventId – this will allow you to recreate failed process events and step through the execution with the Visual Code debugging environment.