(Optional) Disabling the SERENEDI Studio

3. (OPTIONAL) Disabling the SERENEDI Studio
SERENEDI uses an HTTP web browser user interface that listens on port 5000 on the local machine when SERENEDI Service is started.  By default, the web server will ignore any connections except those originating from the same machine.  In certain situations, it is desirable to disable SERENEDI Studio.
To completely disable SERENEDI Studio, run the following steps:
1. Stop the SERENEDI Service.  Open Services in Task Manager, right-click SERENDI Service and click “Stop”.

2. Rename the SERENEDI Studio DLL (assuming a default location of C:\serenedi), from a command prompt:
rename c:\serenedi\bin\serenediStudio4.dll serenediStudio4._dll
3. Restart the SERENEDI Service